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Scramble Hunter Wants to Promote Your Event!

List Your Event For Free Today, No Hidden Fees cause there are no fees at all!

Hello event organizers,

Scramble Hunter was built to help promote charity golf events and outings. Over the past 7 years we have tried to create a community for those who think supporting these great organizations is the best way they can spend their time on the golf course. Let us help you get exposure to our network of golfers, as well as the thousands of people who search our site every month trying to find a great event.

  • There are no fees to list your event, it’s absolutely free.
  • Get access to great resources to elevate your event.
  • See how many people have viewed your event.
  • Get notified when people are interested in playing in your event.
  • Get chose as a featured event and get placement on our home page!
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What Are The Benefits of Publishing Event
on Scramble Hunter?

It's Free To List Your Event

Get access to thousands of golfers who are looking for golf events like yours

Easy approval process

Free and paid resources featured here on the Scramble Hunter website

Event page analytics so you can see how much traffic your event is getting

Have your listing prioritized in your area

Feature your event on our home page

Hole In One Prizes and Vacations for your events

Your event page analytics

Donec ac justo at elit aliquam facilisis. Quisque in sem eu ante euismod gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam varius nibh a felis rutrum laoreet. Pellentesque pellentesque non elit in porta. Quisque imperdiet magna velit, ultrices ultrices dolor eleifend et. Sed vestibulum arcu ut mauris pharetra scelerisque.

Integer ut cursus ante. Sed nec turpis feugiat tellus cursus gravida id non ligula. In mauris risus, pharetra ac magna vel, semper tempor nunc. Ut condimentum dui et mi rutrum lacinia. Nam hendrerit nisi at imperdiet tincidunt. Praesent viverra ut velit et suscipit. 

How to add your event

Go to Create a Scramble page

Go to CREATE A SCRAMBLE page and you will be asked to select one of two packages we are offering to you: Free listing or Featured listing.

Fill in the form

Fill in the form that consist of General information, Adding media of your event, Organizer details and Additional information about your event.

Submit your event

Once the form is filled out you can Preview your event, adit it further, and when you are satisfied simply SUBMIT it*.

*Note: After submitting your event, we will review it and if it is complete we will publish it for you.

Tips for Event Organizers

Tip One

Vivamus vehicula vitae mauris at eleifend. Morbi dapibus, neque non hendrerit sodales, est dui aliquet mauris, quis ultricies eros tellus.

Tip Two

Sed ullamcorper lobortis odio, non semper turpis aliquam maximus. Fusce eu purus nec libero lacinia lobortis consequat et tellus. Ut fellas don teague.

Tip Three

Morbi id euismod lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec venenatis purus.

Tip Four

Vivamus vehicula vitae mauris at eleifend. Morbi dapibus, neque non hendrerit sodales, est dui aliquet mauris, quis ultricies eros tellus.

Tip Five

Sed ullamcorper lobortis odio, non semper turpis aliquam maximus. Fusce eu purus nec libero lacinia lobortis consequat et tellus. Ut fellas don teague.

Tip Six

Morbi id euismod lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec venenatis purus.

Curabitur molestie lacus tellus, eu malesuada leo molestie sit amet

Frequently Asked Questions

Still not sure how adding or claiming event works with Scramble Hunter? Here are a few of mostly asked questions answered.

Mauris vel aliquam dolor?

Phasellus egestas, sapien ut vestibulum convallis, nisl quam placerat nisl, tristique ornare nisi erat et arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. 

Sed leo ex, euismod eu suscipit vel, vestibulum et magna?

Quisque ante erat, eleifend eu interdum ac, molestie ac magna. Maecenas lobortis vehicula erat, pretium fermentum nisi egestas vel. Nam in vestibulum sem. Pellentesque porta a nisl.

Fusce elementum enim a dolor finibus, ut rutrum sem efficitur?

Ut at ultrices erat. Sed faucibus augue vitae mauris dignissim placerat.

Nulla facilisi?

Proin ut porttitor magna. Aenean ac volutpat mi, id lacinia diam. Ut accumsan elit non tincidunt feugiat. Nulla facilisi

Vivamus nec pellentesque orci, ac tempor lorem. Donec dictum turpis vitae?

Donec ornare consectetur leo, non interdum orci porttitor ut. Vivamus nec pellentesque orci, ac tempor lorem. Donec dictum turpis vitae.

Pellentesque eleifend auctor elementum?

Proin ut porttitor magna. Aenean ac volutpat mi, id lacinia diam. Ut accumsan elit non tincidunt feugiat. Nulla facilisi

Etiam hendrerit orci dignissim turpis scelerisque, nec tempor ipsum posuere?

Donec ornare consectetur leo, non interdum orci porttitor ut. Vivamus nec pellentesque orci, ac tempor lorem. Donec dictum turpis vitae.

Aliquam consectetur, leo sit amet consectetur commodo, nisi sem bibendum orci, a ultricies lacus ligula in?

Quisque ante erat, eleifend eu interdum ac, molestie ac magna. Maecenas lobortis vehicula erat, pretium fermentum nisi egestas vel. Nam in vestibulum sem. Pellentesque porta a nisl.

Nullam eleifend varius ligula, a cursus sem dictum quis?

Phasellus egestas, sapien ut vestibulum convallis, nisl quam placerat nisl, tristique ornare nisi erat et arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. 

Morbi nibh dui, scelerisque nec orci et, euismod scelerisque tortor?

Ut at ultrices erat. Sed faucibus augue vitae mauris dignissim placerat.

Haven’t found suitable answer? Tell us what you need.

Paid resources for event organizers


Make others hear of your event!

Fusce pretium ornare consectetur. Vestibulum vitae porttitor turpis. Donec id magna aliquet, condimentum sem eget, faucibus purus. Integer euismod faucibus hendrerit. Ut vulputate lorem quis neque pretium commodo. Pellentesque eu lacus eget mauris scelerisque tempus quis eu augue. Vivamus non tempus odio. In mattis, est at mattis dapibus, diam massa.


DrinkTanks Travel Keg

It's Back! The Drink Tanks Travel Keg Giveaway! Register Today

We are going to giveaway 1-64 Oz Drink Tank every week for the next 4 weeks. Starting 8-16-2023. Sign up on our site and perform the actions for a chance to win! 

Thank you so much for choosing to support us buy purchasing these very cool Drink Tanks! Your purchase will help us keep doing this type of work to support great charities and events.

Fill out the information below, and you will receive more instructions on payment.

If you are a TOURNAMENT ORGANIZER, we will reach out to you to ensure that we have all of your proper details on your event. These make amazing trophies for your tournament winners. We want them to be perfect!

Thanks again! Scramble Hunter Team

Contact Info

You need to SIGN IN to get the discount for PROUD90.com. If you are not a member yet you can REGISTER ACCOUNT free of charge.



Get a FREE quote.

Please fill out the form below and send us the information about the event you are planning.  All fields marked with asterisk sign (*) are mandatory. The information provided here will be used only for internal communication.