
We stand with Ukraine

our featured partner

Live scoring for your next
charity golf tournament

*Click Play Button For Video Explanation


main Features

LIVE Scoring

The most advanced LIVE scoring on the market. Fast, easy and fun scoring for your tournament. LIVE tournament leaderboard.

Air Cannon

A one-or-a-kind experience. Great sponsor opportunity and unique fundraising idea. Imagine a closest to the pin contest on a par 4.

Glass Challenge

As seen on Golf Channels Big Break. A one-of-a-kind experience. A great sponsorship opportunity.

Audio/Visual Set Up

Complete video and audio presentation system for all types of venues. Take your event to the next level.



Want More Info?

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DrinkTanks Travel Keg

It's Back! The Drink Tanks Travel Keg Giveaway! Register Today

We are going to giveaway 1-64 Oz Drink Tank every week for the next 4 weeks. Starting 8-16-2023. Sign up on our site and perform the actions for a chance to win! 

Important Notice:

This resource is only available in Houston, TX and Phoenix, Arizona

Thank you so much for choosing to support us buy purchasing these very cool Drink Tanks! Your purchase will help us keep doing this type of work to support great charities and events.

Fill out the information below, and you will receive more instructions on payment.

If you are a TOURNAMENT ORGANIZER, we will reach out to you to ensure that we have all of your proper details on your event. These make amazing trophies for your tournament winners. We want them to be perfect!

Thanks again! Scramble Hunter Team

Contact Info

You need to SIGN IN to get the discount for PROUD90.com. If you are not a member yet you can REGISTER ACCOUNT free of charge.



Get a FREE quote.

Please fill out the form below and send us the information about the event you are planning.  All fields marked with asterisk sign (*) are mandatory. The information provided here will be used only for internal communication.